
laboratory milos

Multimondo Press was born in 2021 as the screen printing studio of the Italian-American artist Milos Zahradka Maiorana. Inspired by the theory of the multiplicity of worlds by Giordano Bruno, Multimondo (MUMO) brings together different semiotic spheres, including punk culture, continental philosophy, modernist painting, dark humor, art and design.

In 2022 MUMO began a collaboration with the bookmaker Federica Nassetti (YUUY Books) creating a series of notebooks created with recycled screen prints. These YUMO (YUUY + Multimondo) books are sold at various print fairs such as the Crack Festival and the MACRO museum’s bookstore. Most recently, MUMO has been developing collaborative limited edition art books, such as Try A Twombly with the artist and writer An Paenhuysen, available at the primary art book store Leporello Books in Rome. The book explores the idea of attempting to make a Twombly through workshop-like exercises.

Beginning in the summer of 2024 will begin to host an art residency on site, artists will be able to live and work in the studio space and at the end of the residency exhibit work at the Interno 11A contemporary art gallery In Bracciano, Italy.